Welcome to the home page of Bjørn Kisbye Engsig.
My wonderful wife, Irene, and I live in Denmark, about 60 km north of Copenhagen at the small coastal village Dronningmølle, halfway between the towns Gilleleje and Hornbæk – both known to yachtsmen.
I’m probably a bit of a nerd – taken absolutely positively – and things like mathematics, engineering and computer science has been interesting topics through most of life. I have been told that I got my first electrical shock before I could walk, and at the age of 4, I found the main switch for the barracks where my father was working on a Christmas Eve, making the whole area dark. I thought engineering in electronics should be how I should spend my working life, but computer science got in the way about halfway though university. A few years after my graduation I got to know the Oracle database for the first time; this was mid/late 1980’s and that has kept me busy since.
A more private website – in Danish – is found at http://www.bke.name.